
Guerilla is configured with a local and a user configuration. The local configuration is a machine-based configuration, while the user configuration can be different for each user. The user configuration overrides the local configuration.

When starting up, configuration variables are first searched in the user configuration file, and if not found, the variables are searched in the local configuration. If a variable cannot be found in either of the configurations, the variable gets a default value.

You can access the configuration in Guerilla with the Preferences > Local Settings. When a local setting is changed, the value is written into the user configuration when Guerilla quits.

The local configuration file is /guerilla.conf

The user configuration file is /.guerilla.conf

You can change the configuration files location using the GUERILLA_CONF and GUERILLA_USR_CONF environment variables. Those variables must contain the full path to the configuration file, like /app/guerilla/guerilla.conf.

Variables in configuration

Guerilla accepts environment variables in configuration files. Use ${VARIABLE} (with curly brackets) so Guerilla expands VARIABLE when loading the configuration file.

In this context, the curly bracket syntax is different from the parenthesis syntax used everywhere else in Guerilla, so it is possible to expand ${VARIABLE} to a numeric value which would not be correctly interpreted otherwise with $(VARIABLE).

Environment variables

Here are the environment that are optionally used by Guerilla. None of them is mandatory.


The path to the local machine configuration file. When not set, defaults to '/guerilla.conf'.


The path to the user configuration file. When not set, defaults to '/.guerilla.conf'.


The path to the theme directory. This directory contains bitmap icons that override the default ui/ bitmaps found in the installation.


The path to the console configuration file. This file contains the state of the console window (placement, opened files, etc.) When not set, defaults to guerilla dir/console.cfg (which might not be write permitted.)


The path to the Guerilla library. When not set, defaults to guerilla dir/library.


The path to the Guerilla samples. When not set, defaults to 'guerilla dir/samples' on linux and '